
Welcome to the Australianelectronicgoldprospectingforum founded in July 2010, an add free totally independent forum with over 70 boards and paid for and managed by the Admin.Topics:10,008  Total forum Posts:48,405 Members:1008 Total page views19,225,100: Guests can only see a limited number of boards at present. Registration of new members must be approved by admin.
Please note that some adult topics and themes may be discussed on this  forum
 All  original Photos and posts and  original materials displayed on this site are COPYRIGHTED and remain the property of the poster and the  Australian All messages on this forum express the personal views of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily being in accord with those of the forum owner and neither SMF or the forum software developers or the forum host shall be held responsible for the content of any message. Admin reserves the right to remove any offensive or objectionable posts. No defamatory material or politics/religion or issues of race will be permitted.Registered members may post links and use the forums pm immediately without having to make 10 posts. The forum is add free and is hosted in Australia.
Guest posting is permitted . Guest posts are moderated and will not appear until approved  by  admin.This forum also has 2 moderators as well as admin so in my absence any objectionable posts/links can be removed.
For any issues /complaints  about any  about posts here post as a guest on the guest posting  board. and admin will see them.

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